Optimizing Storage Performance and Efficient Index Configuration with Compression Codecs in OpenSearch

In the realm of distributed search and analytics engines, efficient storage management and index configuration are paramount to ensuring optimal performance and scalability. As data volumes continue to grow exponentially, optimizing storage utilization and reducing disk footprint have become critical concerns for OpenSearch. This talk explores the use of compression codecs, such as Deflate and Zstd, to improve storage performance and efficient index configuration in OpenSearch. The talk delves into the implementation of compression codecs within OpenSearch indexes, analyzing their impact on storage space, query performance, and overall cluster efficiency. By leveraging these compression techniques, indexes can be stored in a more compact form, reducing the disk footprint and potentially improving query response times. The talk investigates the trade-offs between compression ratios and decompression overhead, providing insights into selecting the appropriate codec based on workload characteristics and performance requirements within the OpenSearch ecosystem. Furthermore, the research investigates various index configuration strategies to optimize storage utilization and query performance in OpenSearch. It examines factors such as index size, data distribution, and workload characteristics to determine the most effective index configurations for different use cases. Specifically, the paper explores:

  1. Index Compression Levels: Evaluating the impact of different compression levels on storage space, query performance, and CPU utilization in OpenSearch, providing guidelines for selecting the optimal compression level based on specific workload requirements.
  2. Index Sharding: Analyzing the benefits of sharding indexes based on data distribution, access patterns, and maintenance requirements in OpenSearch, demonstrating how sharding can improve query performance and storage efficiency in a distributed environment.
  3. Index Clustering: Investigating the effects of index clustering on storage utilization and query performance in OpenSearch, particularly for workloads involving range scans or sequential access patterns.
  4. Index Maintenance Strategies: Exploring techniques for efficient index maintenance in OpenSearch, such as online index rebuild, index reorganization, and index defragmentation, to ensure optimal storage utilization and query performance over time in a distributed cluster. Through comprehensive benchmarking and performance analysis across various workloads and data distributions in OpenSearch, the research aims to provide practical guidelines and best practices for administrators and developers. These insights will enable them to make informed decisions when configuring indexes and leveraging compression codecs, ultimately leading to improved storage performance, reduced costs, and enhanced overall system efficiency in OpenSearch deployments. The talk contributes to the ongoing efforts in optimizing storage management and index configuration in distributed search and analytics engines, addressing the challenges posed by ever-increasing data volumes and the need for efficient data processing in OpenSearch environments. By combining compression techniques with efficient index configuration strategies, this research paves the way for more scalable and high-performance OpenSearch deployments, empowering organizations to harness the full potential of their data.


Wednesday, September 25 11:30am-12:00pm in Continental BR 7-9

Track: Search


Mohit Godwani photograph

Mohit Godwani

Sr. Software Development Engineer, Amazon OpenSearch