OpenSearchCon 2024: North America CFP

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The CfP for OpenSearchCon 2024 North America is now closed.

This year’s conference dedicates four tracks to topics the OpenSearch community cares about. We invite the community to submit your best ideas and join us for a great conference in San Francisco.

What the OpenSearch community is interested in

  • Search: Connect with other search and relevance practitioners with demos, deep dives, or new and novel techniques for building rich search applications.
  • Analytics, Security, and Observability: Deploying observability tools at scale? Using OpenSearch to turn log data into insights, or to help protect your infrastructure? We want to hear from you!
  • Community: Engage a community of builders on a topic that means something to you. Anything that might educate and inspire a community of open search technologists is up for consideration here.
  • Operating OpenSearch: You have built out an implementation of OpenSearch? Do you use OpenSearch in a solution that helps your own business or project? Come share how you operate OpenSearch.

How long for each session

  • Presentation: 40 minutes.
  • Short-presentation: 20 minutes.

Abstract, title, & description

Please submit both an abstract, title, and description for your talk.

  • Title: What is going on the front of your presentation? Something informative to ensure the audience knows what they will be learning about.
  • Abstract: The abstract is a short summary of the topic of your talk, and essentially serves as a tl;dr for your presentation. It will be displayed on our session list, and is a first introduction of your session to the audience.
  • Description: The session description is a detailed outline of your talk, explaining why your topic is relevant, what you will be talking about and what the audience will learn.

This information will help the reviewers to get a good impression of your session and judge it accordingly, and both will be publicly visible when your talk is accepted.

When does it close

CfP ends June 28, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. It is now closed.


Based on the success and excitement of the Unconference we held at OpenSearchCon North America 2023, we’re planning to kick off this year’s event with another one! Be ready to bring your ideas for a fun and engaging kick off to the conference. We’ll have time to propose ideas, decide as a group which presentations get stage time, and enable the community to present their 15 minute talks to a group of peers.

Code of Conduct

It is expected that your submission and presentation follow the OpenSearch Code of Conduct.

The CFP for OpenSearchCon 2024 North America is now closed.