How to Reduce Costs in OpenSearch

There are many different factors influencing the cost of running OpenSearch clusters. These factors include, among others: - Cluster architecture - Hot-Warm architecture, hardware profiles, availability and node roles. - Data structuring - shards and mapping. - Data operations - ISM and snapshot policies, soft deletes and roll-ups. In this session we’re going to dive into each of these topics, how they impact costs and how to tune them as effectively as possible. By optimizing these aspects, we can unlock substantial cost savings while simultaneously enhancing performance and efficiency.


Thursday, September 28 2:00pm-2:40pm in Ballroom CD

Track: Analytics, Observability, and Security


Ziv Segal photograph

Ziv Segal

CEO and Co-Founder of Opster
Bianca Lewis photograph

Bianca Lewis

Chief Revenue Officer at Opster