Community Projects

This page was made to highlight projects built by the community for the community.

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Apache Flink OpenSearch Connector

The connector provides Apache Flink sinks that can request document actions to an OpenSearch indices


Arkime is a large-scale, open-source, indexed full packet capture system. Arkime can be used to store and analyze network traffic data, which can be used for various purposes such as security analysis, network performance optimization, and troubleshooting.

Charmed OpenSearch® OCI Image

An OCI container image with advanced security and trust features.

License: Apache 2.0

Owner: Canonical

Charmed OpenSearch® Snap

The Snap is an easy to use and secure OpenSearch® software package that can be used in any Linux environment.

License: Apache 2.0

Owner: Canonical

Charmed OpenSearch® IAAS Operator

The Charmed OpenSearch Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) operator is used for automating the deployment, management, and orchestration of OpenSearch clusters on any Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud – including private clouds.

License: Apache 2.0

Owner: Canonical


Haystack is an open source NLP framework that leverages Transformer models. Haystack enables the developers to implement production-ready neural search, question answering, semantic document search, summarization for a wide range of applications.


Professional GUI client for AWS OpenSearch, desktop app of Mac / Windows that makes operating with OpenSearch easier. This project is currently a developer preview version. Feedbacks and opinions are welcome.


ElastiFlow™ instantly transforms OpenSearch into a turnkey network traffic analytics solution. It provides deep insights into performance and availability issues, as well as security threats, for environments at any scale.

Encrypted Repository Plugin for OpenSearch

Encrypted Repository for OpenSearch is a plugin that offers client-side encryption for snapshotting repositories and could be combined with all official supported repository plugins including File Systsem, Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure.


Fess is very powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server. It provides Web UI and a crawler, which can crawl documents on a web server, file system, or Database. Many file formats are supported, including Microsoft Office, PDF, and zip.


Neptunus is written in Go data processing pipelines engine for consuming, transforming and producing events that can be used as a Logstash alternative.

License: Apache 2.0

Owner: Gekatateam

Kubernetes Logging stack using Opensearch

This helm chart deploys a scalable containerized logging stack, enabling log observability for kubernetes applications with Opensearch. The deployment may take various forms, from a single node setup usable for a local development up to scaled multi nodes opensearch deployments used in production environments. It is an easy way to provision a managed Opensearch cluster with optional kafka brokers, fluentbits and fluentd(s) supplying additional initialization steps for the various components.


LangChain is an open-source framework for developing applications powered by language models. You can use OpenSearch as a vector store with LangChain for semantic search, which supports both approximate vector search powered by Lucene, NMSLIB and Faiss engines, and painless scripting and script scoring functions for brute force vector search.

License: MIT License

Owner: LangChain, Inc.


An OpenSearch implementation of Laravel's Eloquent ORM. This package extends Laravel's Eloquent model and query builder with seamless integration of OpenSearch functionalities. Designed to feel native to Laravel, this package enables you to work with Eloquent models while leveraging the powerful search and analytics capabilities of OpenSearch. Documentation:

License: MIT

Owner: PD Philip


Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite.

OpenSIEM Logstash Parsing Configurations

Logstash parsing for more than a hundred technologies. We welcome contributions for security and non-security based technologies.

OpenSearch Checkup

The OpenSearch check-up analyzes architecture and configuration to provide you with specific recommendations for improvement and optimization. The Check-Up is free forever and based on JSON files so you don’t need to download or install anything.

License: Free

Owner: Opster ltd.

OpenSearch Connector for Apache Kafka

OpenSearch Connector for Apache Kafka® for copying data from Kafka to OpenSearch.

Kubernetes Operator for OpenSearch

The Kubernetes OpenSearch Operator is used for automating the deployment, provisioning, management, and orchestration of OpenSearch clusters and OpenSearch dashboards.

Management Console

The Management Console makes it easy to deploy and manage OpenSearch clusters on Kubernetes. You can deploy multiple clusters, configure node roles, scale cluster resources, manage certificates and more – all from a single interface, for free.

License: Opster license

Owner: Shahar Shaked

OpenSearch Plugin Template Java

Template repo for creating OpenSearch plugins

OpenSearch Terraform module

OpenSearch Terraform module by Opster allows you to setup an OpenSearch cluster on AWS EC2 instances. Using this module you can deploy a new cluster, control its settings, configuration and discovery settings. The module deploys both OpenSearch cluster and OpenSearch Dashboards server.


Opster’s free AI-powered chat assists with all queries and concerns related to OpenSearch. Have a search-related question? Simply ask OpsGPT and it will provide accurate answers and guide you through complex processes with ease.

License: Free

Owner: Opster ltd.


PGSync is a middleware for syncing data from Postgres to OpenSearch

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

Owner: Tolu Aina

Prometheus exporter plugin for OpenSearch

The Prometheus® exporter plugin for OpenSearch exposes many OpenSearch metrics in Prometheus format.

Python Logger

OpenSearch logger for Python sends standard logs directly to OpenSearch. It provides direct and easy to use logging handler. Supports out of the box Python logging.


Shuffle is an open source automation platform for security professionals. With a graphical app- and workflow creator, it allows for fast testing, development, deployment and sharing of usecases with the broader industry. Using OpenSearch, Shuffle is able to provide responsive and easy to use search- and storage capabilities at scale.


SnappyFlow is a simplified observability platform that brings together metrics, logs, distributed tracing, synthetics monitoring and alert management in an integrated workflow. SnappyFlow uses OpenSearch for storing, aggregating and querying all datapoints collected by Snappyflow.


StormCrawler is an open-source SDK for running distributed web crawlers on Apache Storm. The project is under Apache license v2 and consists of a collection of reusable resources and components, written mostly in Java. The aim of StormCrawler is to help build web crawlers that are: scalable resilient low latency easy to extend polite yet efficient. StormCrawler has a module for OpenSearch that allows to index the documents crawled but also store metrics to display with Dashboards as well as store the frontier of the crawler in OpenSearch.

Telicent Synonym Plugin

OpenSearch plugin to store the synonyms resources in an index instead of a file

License: Apache 2.0

Owner: Telicent

Transform plugin for OpenSearch Dashboards

An OpenSearch Dashboards visualization plugin that allows arbitrary queries results to be processed by a Mustache transform. You can also call any external JS library to build new visualisations such as Google Chart, d3js, ...


Wazuh is a free and open source platform used for threat prevention, detection, and response. It protects workloads across on-premises, virtualized, containerized and cloud-based environments. Wazuh has been fully integrated with OpenSearch, providing a search engine and a user interface to navigate through security alerts.