
Are you asking the right people the right questions?

Oct 19, 2022 • technical-post

There's no better feeling than getting some help from a living, breathing human being and finding out I'm not alone in my struggle.

Adopting inclusive language across OpenSearch

Oct 18, 2022 • technical-post

We are removing exclusionary language from the OpenSearch Project, including from APIs, documentation, and source code. Specifically, we are replacing the non-inclusive terms "master" and "blacklist/whitelist" with inclusive language throughout...

Announcing Data Prepper 2.0.0

Oct 10, 2022 • technical-post

The Data Prepper maintainers are proud to announce the release of Data Prepper 2.0. This release makes Data Prepper easier to use and helps you improve your observability stack based...

Snapshot Management (SM): A new way to automate snapshots

Oct 10, 2022 • technical-post

In version 2.1, the OpenSearch project introduced Snapshot Management (SM). SM is a way to automatically take snapshots of your cluster. While previously you had to rely on external management...

Improving Anomaly Detection: One million entities in one minute

Oct 05, 2022 • technical-post

“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.” William Thomson, co-formulator of Thermodynamics

Hacktoberfest 2022

Oct 03, 2022 • community

Learn all about how you can contribute to OpenSearch this Hacktoberfest!

Launch Highlight: OpenSearch Playground

Oct 03, 2022 • community

We are excited to announce the live demo environment of OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. OpenSearch Playground provides a central location for existing and evaluating users to explore features in OpenSearch...

Using OpenSearch as the traces storage for Tracetest

Sep 27, 2022 • community

I am excited to announce that Tracetest now supports OpenSearch! If you already use OpenSearch Trace Analytics, you can start writing tests based on your telemetry using Tracetest without having...

What’s new: Custom GeoJSON

Sep 27, 2022 • technical-post

In OpenSearch 2.2, we released custom GeoJSON support for region map visualizations in OpenSearch Dashboards. Custom GeoJSON enables customers to map their own GeoJSON file. Custom GeoJSON builds on the...

Documenting our security issue response process

Sep 16, 2022 • technical-post

Today we are taking the next step in our open-source journey by updating our security policy to include a process for how we respond to security issues. In proper open-source...

OpenSearch 2.3.0 is ready for download!

Sep 14, 2022 • releases

OpenSearch 2.3.0 is here with new capabilities for you to explore! For this release, we prioritized three new features that OpenSearch users have been asking for and that offer significant...

SQL search relevance, selective aggregation, and window functions in OpenSearch

Sep 12, 2022 • technical-post

According to a review by IEEE Spectrum in 2022, SQL is the sixth most popular programming language. IEEE came to this conclusion by pulling and weighting data across GitHub, Google,...

Snapshot Operations in OpenSearch

Sep 09, 2022 • technical-post

In this post, we want to dive deep into snapshot operations in OpenSearch. Snapshots are backups of a cluster’s indexes and state. The state can include cluster settings, node information,...

From the editor's desk: OpenSearch and inclusion

Aug 31, 2022 • community

As part of our commitment to providing complete and best-in-class documentation to the OpenSearch community, we want to ensure that you have visibility into how we approach creating bar-raising content....

Day in the Life of a Release Manager

Aug 25, 2022 • community

An OpenSearch version release can be a daunting prospect, especially if you’re the one managing it. There are ambiguously worded tasks that need to be completed, deadlines to be met....